
- 於SENSE OF PLACE TAIWAN網路商店登錄成為會員後,凡登入後於網路商店購買消費,即可依購買金額獲贈之紅利點數。每次消費後所獲贈之紅利點數,可於下次購物時抵用。
- 每消費100元,即可累積紅利點數1點,消費200元,即可累積紅利點數2點,依此類推。
- 於網路商店消費所獲得之紅利點數,將於商品送達後20天發放至會員帳號中。
- 若有退貨,紅利點數則不退回原會員帳戶。

- 紅利點數僅可於網路商店使用,實體店鋪不適用。
- 紅利點數1點可折抵新台幣1元。
- 紅利點數折抵無上限,最高可折抵商品金額的100%。
- 紅利點數不可折抵台灣境內與海外運費。
*折抵舉例1: 商品原本的總金額為2500元,使用紅利點數折抵600元,商品總金額變成1900元,而商品總金額未滿2000元需支付台灣境內運費80元,因此本訂單需支付1980元。
*折抵舉例2: 商品原本的總金額為2500元,使用紅利點數折抵2500元,商品總金額變成0元,而商品總金額未滿2000元需支付台灣境內運費80元,因此本訂單需支付80元。

- 終身有效。

- 登入會員帳號→紅利查詢頁面

▌Reward Points

|How to earn reward points|
- After registered and logged in as the member of SENSE OF PLAY TAIWAN, you can get reward point with order, and it can be redeemed upon your next purchase.
- 1 point for every NT$100 spent. (NT$200 for 2 points and so on.)
- The reward points will be added to your account 20 days after the order delivered.
- The reward points will be deducted from your account when the order is cancelled or returned.

|Reward points payment policy|
- The reward points are for online shop use only.
- NT$1 = 1 point.
- Product can be paid fully by points.
- The reward points can’t be used for shipping fees.
*Example 1: If the total is NT$2500, after redeeming 600, you need to pay NT$1900 plus the NT$80 domestic shipping fee for order under NT$2000.
*Example 2: If the total is NT$2500, after redeeming 2500 points, you only need to pay the NT$80 domestic shipping fee for order under NT$2000.

|Validation of the reward points|
- Lifetime validation.

|Reward points inquiry|
- Log into your account and go the “reward point checkup” page.
