HOW TO BUY(購物相關說明)


- 商品將於訂單成立並付款完成後,二至七個工作天內送達。(如遇特殊狀況可能延長送達時間)
- 網站訂單自下單日起有效期限為三天,超過三天仍未付款者,將取消您的訂單(如有特殊原因請於三天內主動與我們聯絡)。
- 未事先聯絡而長時間無人收貨或拒絕收貨導致商品退回者,或因個人因素多次重複要求退貨、取消訂單者,恕不再受理之後的訂單,敬請見諒。
- 商品一經訂購或預約完成,恕不受理收貨地址之變更。
- 恕不提供合併訂單寄送之服務。
- 因使用之電腦螢幕設定不同,所顯示之商品顏色與實際會有些許色差,敬請見諒。
- 若因訂單過於集中,已訂購商品亦有可能發生缺貨之情況。如遇訂購之商品缺貨時,我們將寄發確認信函給您。
- 促銷活動期間,網路商店與實體店舖之促銷期間可能不同。網路商店的售價亦可能與實體店鋪不同,敬請見諒。
- 價格亦可能因匯率變動而調整。
- 店家保留訂單接受與否權利,若因交易條件有誤或有其他情形導致商店無法接受您的訂單,將以email發送無法出貨通知給您,造成不便敬請見諒。

▌Online shop related - Regular items

- Once the order is placed and paid, it will be shipped out within 2-7 working days.
- The order will be kept for 3 days, but cancelled if the payment fail within the 3 days. (Please noted that with special condition, payment extension is available upon request within 3 days form the order date.)
- Please noted that costumers who failed to received or rejected the parcel without prior notice, or consistently cancel/return the order due to personal reasons will be banned for making purchase.
- Once the order (includes pre-order) is confirmed, delivery address can not be changed.
- We do not provide service for combing multiple orders into one delivery.
- Please note that due to the different computer settings, the actual color of the merchandise might seem different than the screen displayed.
- Purchased items might be out of stock due to the heavy flow of orders. If the product shortage happened, a notification will be sent by email.
- Please note that every stores and the online shop have different sales date, so the online shop might have different price than the stores during sales period.
- The retail price will vary depended on the currency rate.
- The store reserves the right to accept or reject an order. If the store is unable to accept your order due to incorrect transaction conditions or other circumstances, a notification of unavailability of shipment will be sent to you via email.

- 網路商店與實體店舖之促銷商品以及促銷日期可能不同。
- 網路商店的促銷售價可能與實體店鋪不同。
- 網路商店與實體店鋪之促銷價格、促銷日期、促銷商品,可能有所不同,與日本網路商店之促銷期間亦可能有所不同。
- 促銷期間,若因訂單過於集中,已訂購商品亦有可能發生缺貨之情況。
- 為配合不定期促銷活動和主題促銷,部份商品在各階段將以不同價格出售,屬價格正常調動,恕不提供補退差價或是以此為原因的退貨服務。促銷頁面上我們對價格、折扣和日期均有明確說明,且促銷活動結束後將不享受促銷價格,還請您諒解。

▌Online shop related - Sale items

- The online shop might have different sale items, dates, and prices than the stores and the official online shop of Japan.
- During the sales period, purchased items might be out of stock due to the heavy flow of orders.
- Some products might have several times of prices change during each stages of sales or promotions, we do not offer price adjustment or return for that. All the information regarding to the sale price, percentage and date are clearly stated on the promotion/sale page, and ended once the event is over.

- 商品將於訂單成立並付款完成後二至七個工作天內送達。(如遇特殊狀況可能延長送達時間)
- 若需指定送達日期者,請於訂單備註,指定日期限訂購日起算七天內,超過恕無法受理。
- 包裹配送編號將與出貨通知一併以E-mail信件寄出。
- 因宅配運送路線的關係,配送時間有可能不盡符合您的要求,敬請見諒。


- Once the order is confirmed and paid, it will be dispatched within 2-7 working days.
Please request for assigned delivery date if needed, when placing an order. The date can be within 7 days from the day ordered.
- The package delivery number will be sent via email together with the shipping notification.
- Please note that, the delivery time can not be assign accurately due to the plan of the deliver routine.

- 全面採用電子發票,一律以E-mail通知發票開立等事宜,不主動郵寄紙本發票。
- 如需開立統一編號,請於下單時於”備註”說明,謝謝。
- 請特別注意是否被分類至垃圾信件夾,如果未收到請盡速與我們聯絡。

▌Invoice Related

- Invoice is issued by e-mail, and hard copy is available.
- If needed, please mark the FEIN/VAT number in the “remarks” column when fulling the order form.
- Please make sure the invoice is not in the junk mail, and contact us immediately if it has not been received.
